Site Map
- About
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- Höganäs Borgestad AB in Bjuv
- Höganäs Borgestad AB in Gävle
- Höganäs Borgestad AB in Vellinge
- Höganäs Borgestad AS in Norway
- Höganäs Borgestad Asia Pacific GROUP in Kuala Lumpur
- Höganäs Borgestad Energi & Ugnsteknik AB in gävle
- Höganäs Borgestad Holding AB
- Höganäs Borgestad OY in Finland
- Developer, producer and supplier of smart refractory solutions
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- Basic bricks
- Fire clay, high alumina and basic bricks
- Furnace & Flue Gas Cleaning
- High Temperature Insulation / Passive Fire Protection
- Firemaster Boards
- Firemaster Felt
- Firemaster Firebarrier
- Firemaster Marine Plus Blankets
- FireMaster Microporous
- Firemaster Paper
- FireMaster Putty
- insulating Bulk fibre
- insulating Felts
- insulating fibre Papers
- Insulation Blankets
- Insulation Boards
- Pyro-Bloc Modules
- Unifelt boards
- Vacuum formed fibre shapes
- WDS microporous
- Monolithics
- Prefabricated products
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- SmartInstall
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