Energy and Waste

| Segments | Energy and Waste


Höganäs Borgestad offer refractory services to our customers whithin the field of power and heat. We build new facilities as well as take care of maintenance on a wide range of furnace and boilers, i.e grate incinerators, grate boilers, BFB- and CFB boilers.

Höganäs Borgestad is not only a supplier to our customers, we offer to be your partner. Together with you as our customer we look at the big picture which include the customer’s planned service campaign, budget and different combustion technologies available. Thogether we look at various solutions available in order to achieve maximum combustion with minimal emission.

Our organization is strong in all the areas that create production security for our customers:

  • Research and developement
  • Material
  • Construction
  • Installation
  • Project Management
  • Economic stability
  • Quality control
  • Logistics