

Refractory production anchored in knowhow and experience.

Bricks Production Flow

Setting new standards for production of monolithics.

The world’s premium range of monolithic products is manufactured in our state-of-the art production facility in Bjuv, Sweden. Our refractory production is located in our 54,000 m2 plant in Bjuv, Sweden and sinsce 2021 our production strategy changed.  We entered an partnership agreement with refratechnik for standard bricks. Our production in Bjuv continues to develope and produce spesical shaped bricks for various differnt applications. Our monolithic production facilities has a total capacity of 30,000 metric tonnes a year. It is highly automated with modern equipment for manufacturing of refractory products, securing the all-important environmental aspect and making it unique in the world

The starting point for producing top quality monolithics is carefully selected raw material composed according to specific recipes. Small amounts of additives, sometimes as small as 20 grams per ton, are added manually.

Mixing is a critical step, since you want the mix as homogenous as possible. The Eirich intensive mixer, where parameters like pan and tool speed can be specifically set, ensures excellent homogeneity.

Monolithics Production Flow