Pulp & Paper

| Segments | Pulp & Paper


As one of the leading refractory installers in Scandinavia, Höganäs Borgestad delivers refractory installation solutions to the pulp and paper industry

Höganäs Borgestad offers maintenance work in lime kilns, ash, bark, and gas boilers. Our installaion departement also persform acid-resistant masonry.

We want to be your long term partner and not only your supplier of fire and acid-resistant service during a few days a year. As your partner we secure your operating campaign by eliminating breakdowns and making the audit stops as cost effectively as possible.

Let us sit down together and review your needs regarding fire and acid-resistant installaions in order to find out a path to cooperation with your sites in focus.

Pulp and paper

The pulp and paper industry is facing great challenges in the form of higher energy and raw material costs. Maintaining profitability is directly tied to operational efficiencies, including uptime and power use.

Höganäs Borgestad’s mission is to improve the lifetime of your refractory lining and minimize unplanned stops of your kiln. Our wide range of refractory solutions, including acid- proof bricks that can be used in bleaching towers, allows us to choose the best materials for your individual demands. In addition, we perform installation and maintenance services within all segments of the industry.

Applications and design solutions:

Acid-proof linings:

Download our brochure for Pulp and Paper Industry