“We believe we must act now to preserve tomorrow”
The working environment is an important foundation within all parts of Höganäs Borgestad and is a priority both in daily and long-term work.
It is the company’s belief that a good working environment and a quality conscious approach contributes to good performance. The work environment of Höganäs Borgestad is characterized by respect for the individual and provides a facility that is safe and contributes to efficiency and comfort.
Emphasis is placed on systematic preventive work, which is done in close cooperation between management, employees, work organization and occupational health. Each employee should be locally given the opportunity to participate in the development of a good working environment. Each employee has a personal responsibility for their safety in their daily work, thus it is everyone’s responsibility to follow instructions and procedures and to be alert and report any damage or health risk.
It is in the interest of the company to uphold a higher standard than the minimal requirements for a good work environment and rehabilitation. We will maintain an active dialogue with authorities, our employees and our working environment.

Höganäs Borgestad Sustainability statement :
Höganäs Borgestad Sustainability statement – 2023
Download Our Corporate Social Responsibility document and Code of Conduct:
Höganäs Borgestad Code of Conduct
Norway Enviormental report:
Aktsomhetsvurderinger for bærekraftig forretningspraksis, Rapporteringsåret 2023 HBAS
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