Höganäs Borgestad started producing refractories in 1825. Following a long tradition, our company has always been a provider of refractory solutions to the global Aluminum industry.
Meet the latest addition to our product range: VIKING 20
- Green projects and products developments started in 2018.
- Re-engineering of products for Aluminum industry to reduce carbon footprint and energy consumption.
- Specific attention has been paid to avoid over-engineering of products.
- Green strategy if a low duty alumina is developed.

“With VIKING 20, you have the opportunity to be a part of the future with us and reduce carbon footprints!”
Lab test

Kryolittest: 950°C/24h
Φ55 x 40 mm
Kryolitmix: 60% (90g) Na3AlF6 + 40% (60g) NaF

Contact us to learn more about this new product development!
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